If you have concerns that a child or adult is being abused and there is an immediate danger, please contact the Police on 999.
We aim to provide all of our services to the highest possible standard. Safeguarding means protecting vulnerable children and adults from harm, abuse and neglect, such as:
- protecting children and adults from maltreatment;
- preventing impairment of children and adults' health or development;
- ensuring that children and adults are living in circumstances consistent with the provision of safe and effective care.
Safeguarding is everybody’s business. Therefore, we are committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of adults, young people and children to protect them from the risks of harm. We take a proactive approach, aiming to protect everyone we come into contact with from abuse and neglect. As well as taking actions to prevent abuse and other forms of harm, we also have a duty to act when we believe that someone is being harmed, or is at risk.
We have dedicated safeguarding adults and children’s leads, polices, guidance and practice, which reflect statutory and national safeguarding requirements. Our safeguarding leads are responsible for ensuring we deal with concerns raised in the most professional, efficient, and respectful way, as well as ensuring our practices are in-line with national best practice.