Many trans and non-binary people look for emotional support during their transition journey. This can be specifically about their gender identity, or about a number of common mental health and wellbeing difficulties. Talking therapies offer a supportive, safe space in which to work through these questions.
At your assessment, your care navigator will discuss the option of accessing our talking therapies service. Therapy can help you to understand and process past experiences, and how to address current experiences and challenges. It can be helpful in dealing with issues such as anxiety, low mood, relationship difficulties and self-esteem, and also offer a safe place in which you can explore your gender identity and/or sexual orientation.
If you would like to access therapy, it’s a good idea to have a think about what your goals might be, and what particular things you would like to address in your sessions. Our therapists will support you in working through these issues, and will help you to develop a range of coping mechanisms and techniques to improve your mental health and wellbeing. All of our therapists are LGBT affirmative, which means you can be assured of a safe space to explore your identity, free from judgement and confident in the knowledge that your therapist will understand the challenges and complex issues that LGBT people experience.
If you wish, we can offer talking therapies to you after your diagnosis. You will be offered up to fifteen sessions, but there is no requirement to use all of them – your counsellor will work with you to decide how many sessions would be most beneficial. Once you have accessed Indigo you are able to access up to two further cycles of therapy through LGBT Foundation.
If, after discussing your needs and goals with you, we feel that you may require higher intensity or longer term therapy than we are able to provide, we will work with you to find the appropriate service and help you to refer onwards to them. This won’t affect your ability to access other services within Indigo.
All the information shared with your therapist is confidential unless it poses a safety risk to yourself, others or is a significant breach of the law. Your therapist and care navigator can provide further details about Indigo's confidentiality policies and how our talking therapies service follows government guidelines to ensure quality care. Our counsellors are all registered members of a professional counselling association, and uphold a strict ethical code of conduct.